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Building the Scenic Highway

The Historic Columbia River Highway is a scenic route in Oregon that winds through the Columbia River Gorge, offering breathtaking views of the river and the surrounding landscape. It is a historic landmark and a marvel of engineering, and it took over five years and a lot of hard work to build. Here are some of the construction processes used to build this iconic highway:

Planning and Design: The first step in building the highway was planning and design. The project was led by Samuel C. Lancaster, who was an engineer and landscape architect. Lancaster designed the road to take advantage of the natural beauty of the Gorge, with curves and switchbacks that offered stunning views. He also incorporated elements of the Arts and Crafts movement, such as rustic stone walls and bridges.

Grading: Once the planning and design were complete, construction crews began grading the roadbed. This involved excavating the hillsides and building up the low areas to create a smooth, even surface. The work was done by hand, using shovels and horse-drawn carts.

Blasting: In some areas, the road had to be cut through solid rock. This required blasting, which was done using dynamite. The crews had to be careful to avoid damaging the surrounding landscape, and they used precise calculations to determine how much dynamite to use for each blast.

Bridge Building: The highway includes several bridges, including the iconic Vista House at Crown Point. These bridges were constructed using a variety of techniques, including stone masonry and reinforced concrete. The crews had to work carefully to ensure that the bridges were structurally sound and visually appealing.

Paving: Once the roadbed was graded and the bridges were in place, crews began paving the highway. This was done using concrete, which was poured in sections and allowed to cure before the next section was poured. The crews also had to build retaining walls and guardrails to ensure the safety of the travelers.

Landscaping: Finally, the crews added the finishing touches to the highway by landscaping the surrounding areas. This involved planting trees, shrubs, and flowers, and building stone walls and other decorative elements. The goal was to create a natural, harmonious blend between the road and the landscape.

In conclusion, the construction of the Historic Columbia River Highway was a monumental undertaking that required a combination of engineering skill, hard work, and artistic vision. The result is a masterpiece of road construction that has stood the test of time and continues to inspire visitors from around the world.

Wasn’t it originally going to be built on the Washington Side?

Yes, you’re correct! The original plan for the highway was to build it on the Washington side of the Columbia River Gorge. The idea was proposed by Washington State Representative Sam Hill in 1913, and it was intended to connect Vancouver, Washington with The Dalles, Oregon.

However, when Samuel C. Lancaster was hired to design the highway, he suggested that it be built on the Oregon side of the Gorge instead. He argued that the Oregon side had more scenic beauty and was better suited for a scenic road. He also believed that it would be more economical to build the road on the Oregon side, as it would require less grading and fewer bridges.

Lancaster’s idea was eventually accepted, and construction of the highway on the Oregon side began in 1915. It took five years to complete, and the road officially opened to the public on June 6, 1922. The highway was a huge success and quickly became a popular tourist attraction. Today, it is recognized as a National Historic Landmark and is considered one of the most scenic drives in the United States.

Why is it such a gentle grade?

The construction of the Historic Columbia River Highway was a remarkable engineering achievement for its time. One of the reasons why the highway has such a gentle grade is because it was designed to follow the natural contours of the land as much as possible. This minimized the amount of grading and earthwork required, which helped keep construction costs down.

Additionally, the highway was designed to be a scenic drive rather than a high-speed thoroughfare. As a result, the designers were able to make the road’s curves and turns more gradual, which also helped to reduce the overall grade.

Another factor that contributed to the highway’s gentle grade was the availability of concrete as a construction material. Concrete was relatively new at the time and had only recently been used to construct the Panama Canal. The use of concrete allowed for longer spans between piers and fewer support structures, which meant that the roadway could be built on a gentler slope.

Overall, the gentle grade of the Historic Columbia River Highway was the result of careful planning and innovative engineering. The designers recognized the natural beauty of the Columbia River Gorge and wanted to create a road that would allow travelers to experience it at a leisurely pace.

Were bikes intended to be ridden on the new road?

Yes, bicycles were actually a major consideration in the design of the Historic Columbia River Highway. In the early 1900s, cycling was a popular recreational activity, and many people were interested in exploring the outdoors on two wheels.

Samuel C. Lancaster, the chief engineer and designer of the highway, recognized the potential for bicycles as a means of transportation and recreation. He included wide shoulders along the road and designed a separate, parallel path for bicycles and pedestrians in some sections. This was the first bike path in the United States to be constructed as part of a highway project.

The bike path was located on the west side of the road, separated from the main roadway by a concrete curb. It was six feet wide and paved with concrete, making it suitable for both cyclists and pedestrians. The path included several overlooks and rest areas where travelers could stop to enjoy the scenic views of the Gorge.

Lancaster’s decision to include a separate bike path on the highway was a bold and forward-thinking move that helped establish the Columbia River Gorge as a popular destination for cycling and outdoor recreation. Today, the Historic Columbia River Highway remains a popular destination for cyclists and is considered one of the best bike rides in the country.

What’s your source for the bike info above?

My source for the information about bicycles and the Historic Columbia River Highway is the Oregon Department of Transportation’s Historic Columbia River Highway

Specifically, the information about the separate bike path was taken from this following page. This page provides a brief history of bicycles on the highway and explains how Samuel C. Lancaster included a separate path for cyclists and pedestrians in some sections of the roadway.

The website also includes information about the highway’s construction, design, and historical significance, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about this iconic roadway.

Is it true they had to bring stone masons over from Europe to do the work?

Yes, it is true that skilled stonemasons were brought over from Europe to work on the construction of the Historic Columbia River Highway. Samuel C. Lancaster, the chief engineer and designer of the highway, recognized the importance of using high-quality materials and craftsmanship to create a road that would be both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

The stonemasons were primarily from Italy and were known for their expertise in working with stone. They were responsible for constructing many of the highway’s iconic stone walls, bridges, and other features. The stonework on the highway is considered to be some of the finest examples of early 20th-century road construction in the United States.

The use of European stonemasons on the project was not uncommon at the time. Many large infrastructure projects in the United States, such as the New York City subway system and the Pennsylvania Railroad tunnels, relied on immigrant labor and expertise from Europe to complete the work.

Overall, the use of skilled stonemasons from Europe was just one of the many factors that contributed to the quality and durability of the Historic Columbia River Highway. Their work remains an important part of the highway’s legacy and is a testament to the vision and dedication of the engineers and craftsmen who built it.

What were the challenges involved in excavating basalt?

Excavating basalt for the construction of the Historic Columbia River Highway presented a number of challenges for the engineers and workers involved in the project. Basalt is a dense, hard, and durable volcanic rock that can be difficult to work with using traditional excavation methods.

One of the primary challenges was breaking the basalt into manageable pieces. Because of its density and hardness, basalt could not be excavated using traditional pick-and-shovel methods. Instead, engineers had to use explosives to blast the basalt into smaller pieces. This required careful planning and execution to ensure the safety of workers and nearby communities.

Another challenge was removing the large quantities of debris that resulted from the excavation process. Basalt can be difficult to break down, and the resulting rubble and debris can be heavy and hard to move. This required the use of heavy equipment such as steam shovels and dump trucks, which had to be carefully maneuvered on the narrow and winding roads of the Columbia River Gorge.

Finally, because the basalt layers in the Gorge are tilted at an angle, workers had to carefully excavate and shape the roadway to follow the contours of the landscape. This required a high degree of skill and precision to ensure that the road was both safe and aesthetically pleasing.

Despite these challenges, the engineers and workers involved in the construction of the Historic Columbia River Highway were able to overcome these obstacles through careful planning, innovative techniques, and hard work. Their efforts resulted in a roadway that remains an engineering and architectural marvel to this day.

Was it inspired by swiss roads?

Yes, the design of the Historic Columbia River Highway was heavily influenced by the scenic roads of Switzerland, which were known for their winding curves, picturesque landscapes, and stunning mountain views.

Samuel C. Lancaster, the chief engineer and designer of the highway, had visited Switzerland in the early 1900s and was impressed by the country’s network of scenic roads. He returned to the United States with the idea of building a similar road in the Columbia River Gorge, which he believed had the potential to be one of the most beautiful and scenic highways in the world.

Lancaster’s vision was to create a road that would blend harmoniously with the natural landscape of the Gorge, rather than simply bulldozing a path through the mountains. He sought to create a road that would provide breathtaking views of the surrounding scenery while also being safe and accessible for travelers of all kinds.

To achieve this goal, Lancaster designed a roadway with gentle curves and gradual grades that would follow the contours of the land. He also incorporated a number of scenic overlooks and viewpoints where travelers could stop and enjoy the views.

Overall, the design of the Historic Columbia River Highway was heavily influenced by the scenic roads of Switzerland, but was adapted to fit the unique landscape and conditions of the Columbia River Gorge. The result was a roadway that remains a testament to Lancaster’s vision and the engineering and construction skills of the workers who built it.

How much did it cost?

The cost of building the Historic Columbia River Highway was approximately $4 million dollars, which was a significant sum of money at the time. The project was funded by a combination of state and federal funds, as well as private donations from local citizens and businesses.

Construction of the highway began in 1913 and took several years to complete. The work was carried out by a large team of workers, including stone masons, engineers, and laborers, who faced a number of challenges in building the road through the rugged and mountainous terrain of the Columbia River Gorge.

Despite the difficulties, the construction of the highway was widely regarded as a remarkable engineering feat at the time. The road was completed in 1922 and quickly became a popular destination for travelers from around the world, who came to marvel at the stunning scenery and enjoy the unique driving experience that the road provided.

How much is that in Today’s dollars?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ inflation calculator, $4 million in 1922 would be equivalent in purchasing power to approximately $61.5 million in 2023 dollars. It’s worth noting that this is just an estimate based on changes in the Consumer Price Index, and doesn’t take into account other economic factors that may have affected the cost of building the highway. However, it gives us a rough idea of the scale of the investment that was made in constructing this historic roadway.

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